The first Work Package in the STOW project was devoted to preselection of the Small Wind Turbine crucial parameters i.e. size, rated power etc. The choice was made following a thorough review of the current SWT market. Unlike in many other such surveys, authors tried to take into account return on investment (ROI) metric and realistic wind conditions acquired from numerical weather model. In our opinion, these two factors make WP1 results valuable source of information for anybody who starts thinking about investment in small wind turbine. Summary of WP1 findings can be found in the following documents.
- J. Bukała, K. Damaziak, M. Krzeszowiec, J. Małachowski, “Design Approaches to Small Wind Turbines”, Modelowanie Inżynierskie, Submited: 6-12-2014.
- J. Bukała, K. Damaziak, H. R. Karimi, K. Kroszczyński, M. Krzeszowiec, J. Małachowski, “A comparative analysis of popular modern small wind turbine design solutions in terms of estimated cost to power output ratio”, Cieplne Maszyny Przepływowe, Submitted:20-10-2014; Published: 2014, 10, pp. 29-31.
- J. Bukała, K. Damaziak, H. R. Karimi, K. Kroszczyński, M. Krzeszowiec, J. Małachowski, “Modern Small Wind Turbine Design Solutions Comparison in Terms of Estimated Cost to Energy Output Ratio”, Renewable Energy, 2015, 93 1166-1173.
- J. Bukała, K. Damaziak, M. Krzeszowiec, J. Małachowski, „Investigation of parameters influencing the efficiency of small wind turbines”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2014-05-16.
- M. Lipian, M. Karczewski, K. Olasek, “Sensitivity study of diffuser angle and brim height parameters for the design of 3 kW Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine”- article, Open Engineering 2015, 146 p 29-38.
- Li, S (Li, Shuo); Xiang, ZR (Xiang, Zhengrong); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza). Mixed l (-)/l (1) fault detection observer design for positive switched systems with time-varying delay via delta operator approach, International Journal of Control Automation And Systems, Nov-2014.
- Zarei, J (Zarei, Jafar); Tajeddini, MA (Tajeddini, Mohammad Amin); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), Vibration analysis for bearing fault detection and classification using an intelligent filter, Mechatronics, Vol. 12, Is. 4, pp: 709-721, 2014.
- Wang, ZJ (Wang, Zhaojian); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), Experimental study on antivibration control of electrical power steering systems, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 24, Is. 2, pp: 151-157, 2014.
- Jiao, JF (Jiao, Jianfang); Zhang, JX (Zhang, Jingxin); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), A partial robust m-regression-based prediction and fault detection method, Abstract And Applied Analysis, No. 450427, 2014.
- Yu, ZD (Yu, Zhandong); Yu, JY (Yu, Jinyong); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), Model reduction of fuzzy logic systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, No.: 304754, 2014.
- Kao, YG (Kao, Yonggui); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), Stability in mean of partial variables for coupled stochastic reaction-diffusion systems on networks: a graph approach, Abstract and Applied Analysis No. 874530, 2014.
- Barari, M (Barari, Mansour); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza); Razaghian, F (Razaghian, Farhad), Analog circuit design optimization based on evolutionary algorithms, Mathematical Problems In Engineering, No. 597502, 2014.
- Li, YH (Li, Yanhui); Zhou, XJ (Zhou, Xiujie); Zhang, C (Zhang, Chang); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), A Parameter-Dependent Approach to Observer-Based H-infinity Control for Networked Control LPV Systems, Mathematical Problems In Engineering, No. 593684, 2014.
- Xu, YS (Xu, Yunsong); Yin, S (Yin, Shen); Yu, JY (Yu, Jinyong); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), Design of a TFT-LCD based digital automobile instrument, Mathematical Problems In Engineering, No. 698075, 2014.
- Huo, X (Huo, Xing); Zhang, AH (Zhang, Aihua); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), Research on Amplifier Performance Evaluation Based on delta-Support Vector Regression, Abstract and Applied Analysis No. 549790, 2014.
- Zhang, AH (Zhang, Aihua); Wang, YC (Wang, Yongchao); Chen, C (Chen, Chen); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza), New Strategy for Analog Circuit Performance Evaluation under Disturbance and Fault Value, Mathematical Problems In Engineering, No. 574547, 2014.
- Wang, RR (Wang, Rongrong); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza); Chen, N (Chen, Nan); Yin, GD (Yin, Guodong); Wang, JX (Wang, Jinxiang), Motion Control of Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Electric Ground Vehicles considering Tire Force Saturations, Mathematical Problems In Engineering, No. 728201, 2014.
- Yu, H (Yu, Han); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza); Zhu, XM (Zhu, Xuemei), Research of Smart Car's Speed Control Based on the Internal Model Control, Abstract and Applied Analysis, No. 819302, 2014
- Zhang, Z (Zhang, Ze); Karimi, HR (Karimi, Hamid Reza); Huang, H (Huang, Hai); Robbersmyr, KG (Robbersmyr, Kjell G.), Vibration control of a semiactive vehicle suspension system based on extended state observer techniques, Journal of Applied Mathematics, No. 274293, 2014.
- Michał Kulak, Maciej Karczewski, Krzysztof Olasek, Krzysztof Jóźwik, CFD Analysis of Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine Model for Wind Tunnel Investigation, IEEE-Xplore, No. 248297, 2014,
- Lipian Michal, Karczewski Maciej, Jozwik Krzysztof, Analysis and comparison of numerical methods for design and development of small Diffuser-Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT), IEEE-Xplore, 24.10.2016 (acceptance),
- Olasek K., Karczewski M., Lipian M., Wiklak P., Jóźwik K., Wind tunnel experimental investigations of a diffuser augmented wind turbine model, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, volume 26, Issue 7, ISSN: 0961-5539, 04.08.2016,
- Lipian M., Karczewski M., Moliński J., Jóźwik K., Numerical simulation methodologies for design and development of Diffuser-Augmented Wind Turbines – analysis and comparison, Open Engineering. Volume 6, Issue 1, ISSN (Online) 2391-5439, 03.09.2016.
- Jakub Bukala, Krzysztof Damaziak, Krzysztof Kroszczynski, Marcin Krzeszowiec, Jerzy Malachowski, Investigation of parameters influencing the efficiency of small wind turbine, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, November, 2015.
- Jakub Bukała, Krzysztof Damaziak, Marcin Krzeszowiec, Hamid Reza Karimi, Krzysztof Kroszczynski, Jerzy Małachowski, Modern small wind turbine design solutions comparison in terms of estimated cost to energy output ratio, Renewable Energy, November, 2015.
- Jakub Bukała, Krzysztof Damaziak, Hamid Reza Karimi, Jerzy Małachowski, Aero- Elastic Coupled Numerical Analysis of Small Wind Turbine– Generator Modeling, Wind and Structures, 2016.
- Jakub Bukała, Krzysztof Damaziak, Hamid Reza Karimi, Jerzy Małachowski, Upwind vs Downwind Small Wind Turbine Comparison – Numerical Analysis and Economical Evaluation, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Under review.
- Jakub Bukała, Krzysztof Damaziak, Marcin Krzeszowiec, Krzysztof Kroszczyński, Jerzy Małachowski, Michał Tomaszewski, Krzysztof Sobczak, Analysis approach for Diffusor Augmented Small Wind Turbine Rotor, Advances in Mechanics: Theoretical, Computational and Interdisciplinary Issues - Kleiber et al., 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02906-4, 2016.
- Jerzy Małachowski, Krzysztof Damaziak, Tomasz Szafrański, Concept of a small wind turbine pole lifting system Mechanik PL ISSN 0025-6552, 2016.
- Jerzy Małachowski, Tomasz Szafrański, Numerical Analysis of Guyed Mast for Small Wind Turbine at Normal Operating Conditions, Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference, Submitted (2016).
- Jagath Sri Lal Senanayaka, Hamid Reza Karimi, Kjell Gunnar Robbersmyr, A Novel Soft-stall Power Control for a Small Wind Turbine.
- Bukała J., Damaziak K., Kruszczyński K., Krzeszowiec M., Małachowski J., Agregacja parametrów niezbędnych do przygotowania warunków brzegowo-początkowych modelu numerycznego malej turbiny wiatrowej, Proc XIII Konferencji Techniki Komputerowe w Inżynierii, WAT, 2014.
